DATE: 2007.15.07
The Wing Commander Saga team has been very impressed by community modders who have been putting together their own custom missions. We'd like to encourage as many people as we can to get creative, make missions and campaigns, and share them with the community. In order to help, we are providing you with links to some of the tools that have helped the Saga team in our work. We can't wait to see what you come up with!
DATE: 2007.05.07
The original Wing Commander added to the immersive feeling it created by allowing the player to earn medals through exceptional performance in missions. As a part of our efforts to emulate the overall feel of Wing Commander, Saga will also feature the ability to earn medals. We've included a screenshot of the medals that will be featured and they can be accessed in game by viewing the player's pilot profile.
DATE: 2007.28.06
You may recall that our old website was hosted at Our subscription to that site is about to expire, so make sure to update your bookmarks to
DATE: 2007.25.06
Our new poll asks which fighter in Wing Commander Saga: Prologue is your favorite. Each fighter has its own merits, and it's a tough choice. You could also click the "Comments" link below and explain your choice.
DATE: 2007.06.22
About a week ago one of 1blu servers, which is based in Berlin, died and took with it the Wing Commander Saga website. They say trouble comes in pairs and it certainly did for us during the last couple of days. Less than a week later and with the damage repaired, our domains ceased to operate.
It was decided to move ahead and move the WCS site to a different server, which has the highly boring name 'web122'. The website should be online by the time you read this.
We are still ironing out some "weirdities", so if you notice anything, please This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
DATE: 2007.21.06
Due to some major updates in the Freespace 2 source code project with the upcomming release of version 3.6.10, we have plans to incorporate many of the newly available options into Saga. Among these updates are things such as new FS2NetD code, support for normal mapping (which should increase the graphical capabilities of the engine), various bug fixes for texture blending on models in OpenGL, and more. The 3.6.10 release will make the FS2 source code project comparable to "current" standards, and we are excited to be able to incorporate the improvements into the upcoming main campaign to make Saga's visual experience as compelling as possible.
It should also be pointed out that there is new memory handling code in place, which should effectively cut the memory footprint in half, if not more than that. Various other little memory saving and performance boosting changes have been made as well. So, Saga should look better and run smoother with the upcoming FS2 source code release.
Also, more news on the fan-made mission front: Mustanger has updated his first "Capture the Destroyer" mission. Grab the update here. Also, he has released a second mission as a follow up to the first. Give it a try here. Place fs2 files in the data\missions folder of your Wing Commander Saga Prologue folder. You can provide feedback here.
And the FS2NetD website is currently being modified to support mods, so by the time that 3.6.10 gets here you will be able to easily keep track of active games and pilot stats for Wing Commander Saga.
DATE: 2007.04.06
We're making steady progress, and it's unbelievable watching everything coming together. With our last big review of the game, we picked up some real solid forward momentum. Still, sometimes it feels like we're taking two steps forward and one, two or even three steps back. That's really starting to taper off, though.
We have new media to share. This time we would like to showcase Klav's rendition of the Rapier medium fighter. The screenshots are from the tech room, you'll be seeing more as we continue pushing out media. So, basically, you can consider those shots an appetizer.
DATE: 2007.24.05
For this week's update, we have a lot of things to share! First off, the Wing Commander Saga team has revamped it's website. Our web page has been completely overhauled for your convenience with a more user-friendly and comprehensive layout. Stop by for a visit to check out preview trailers, information regarding the project, and thrilling new in-game screenshots!
Secondly, we also want to showcase some more of the music of Wing Commander Saga. In our opinion, the music in the original Wing Commander series played a major role in creating the essence of Wing Commander that made it so compelling. The full campaign will feature remakes of original Wing Commander songs as well as original tracks that seek to capture the same tone and feeling. An example of our efforts to emulate the WC style can be heard in the intro and outro tracks we used in the Prologue. The intro music is designed to evoke the sense of anticipation that Sandman and his fellow classmates feel upon reaching the Wellington. The outro is sober and brooding, mourning the loss of many good friends and speaking of still darker days to come. You can grab them here.
Also, is running an article on Wing Commander, and as a part of that they have interviewed our very own Tolwyn. Head on over to hear what they had to say.
Last, but not least, we are happy to announe the release of the first fan-made mission for Saga. It was created by Mustanger, so any questions about it can be directed to him. Just download the mission and place it in the data\missions folder of your Wing Commander Saga Prologue folder. Grab the file here.
- Sphynx
DATE: 2007.27.04
For this week's update, the Wing Commander Saga team would like to showcase one of our in-game cutscenes.
The following series of screenshots illustrates the "fleet jumping" cutscenes that are familiar to Wing Commander fans and that will play a transitional role in Saga's story, as well.
You can watch the complete sequence in our media section.
- Tolwyn
DATE: 2007.06.04
Since the release of the WC Saga prologue, several talented new people have joined the Saga team to help us make the full campaign. Today, we would like to introduce you to one of our new memebers: Adam "Klavs" Burch. Klavs has amazed the rest of the team time and time again with the speed at which he turns out some amazing looking models, and he has a talent for bridging the gap between the art styles of WC2 and WC3, making WC2-era models look great and coherent alonside WC3-era models. For today's update, we are sharing a picture of Klav's rendition of the Ferret, which will be featured in the WC Saga full campaign.
- Tolwyn