BlogLearn historical details about development

In this section of the Wing Commander Saga webpage, you can find historical details about development of Wing Commander Saga.

DATE: 2007.21.06

Due to some major updates in the Freespace 2 source code project with the upcomming release of version 3.6.10, we have plans to incorporate many of the newly available options into Saga. Among these updates are things such as new FS2NetD code, support for normal mapping (which should increase the graphical capabilities of the engine), various bug fixes for texture blending on models in OpenGL, and more. The 3.6.10 release will make the FS2 source code project comparable to "current" standards, and we are excited to be able to incorporate the improvements into the upcoming main campaign to make Saga's visual experience as compelling as possible.

It should also be pointed out that there is new memory handling code in place, which should effectively cut the memory footprint in half, if not more than that. Various other little memory saving and performance boosting changes have been made as well. So, Saga should look better and run smoother with the upcoming FS2 source code release.

Also, more news on the fan-made mission front: Mustanger has updated his first "Capture the Destroyer" mission. Grab the update here. Also, he has released a second mission as a follow up to the first. Give it a try here. Place fs2 files in the data\missions folder of your Wing Commander Saga Prologue folder. You can provide feedback here.

And the FS2NetD website is currently being modified to support mods, so by the time that 3.6.10 gets here you will be able to easily keep track of active games and pilot stats for Wing Commander Saga.


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