DATE: 2007.06.02
OK, that's a fairly ecletic list of things to address, but here it is nonetheless.
Recently, we have received several e-mails asking when a Linux version of the Wing Commander Saga Prologue will be released. A few bugs that have slipped into the SCP version 3.6.9 have been causing some annoying issues for the Linux version, and we are delaying the Linux release until those can be resolved and we can run a quick round of testing to make sure they have truly been worked out. The reasons we have been able to release the Windows prologue is because it uses a slightly different version code that doesn't have the bug. In addition, since the OSX version together with the Linux version are based on a newer code than the Windows version, we will be releasing an updated OSX version once the bugs have been resolved.
In the mean time, we would like to share a few new screenshots with you. The first six are action shots from one of our simulator missions in which the player is desperately trying to save the carrier Ticonderoga from an intense Kat assault. In the next three screenshots (run through an ATI post process filter), some of our nebulae provide a backdrop for a conflict between Confed and Kilrathi capital ships. Confed comes out on top… this time. You can find these new screenshots at our website . The wallpaper section of our website has also been updated.
Also, we have had several people ask us for which settings we think Saga looks best in. Tolwn recommends the following:
-fov 0.65 -spec_exp 7.0 -spec_tube 5.0 -spec_point 8.6 -spec_static 3.0 -ambient_factor 75
Just paste these into the "flags" section of the launcher and see what you think.