Short version: find out if Chris Roberts will let you work on his
new game.
Wing Commander Saga tells me none of you should have a problem getting the job
Long version:
Test machine: Wine 1.4.1 from Debian Wheezy's package manager.
Reference versions of old Wing Commander: Super Wing Commander and Wing Commander 3 for Mac.
Played on easy mode.
Graphics: For Wing Commander, the best ever. Graphics are a little dated, but it's very hard to get super-modern graphics out of an open-source game engine. If you have to do it again, maybe have a look at Vegastrike.
Gameplay: Pretty good, with some small design issues.
Story: Kind of familiar story, well developed, lots of fun characters.
Music: Well made, epic, and well fitted to the game.
All the big pieces worked together very nicely, and most of the little ones. There were a few places which could use extra polish, but it's still a really good game.
Fun stuff:
Attacking capships. They shoot down your torpedoes, so you have to get creative to make them count. To strip off turrets, you have to get inside the capships' shield bubbles.
Picking at enemy ships' systems. You have to watch the enemy fighters you're sparring with, to see if you've put out their engines and are about to ram them!
The countermeasure game. Usually, if you countermeasure while the missile is distant, the missile keeps its lock. If you wait until it's practically on top of you, the missile usually misses. If your enemy selected dual fire for missiles, one usually gets through anyway.
The voice acting was mostly very good. These people are amatuers? I couldn't tell.
Hazy stuff:
I remember there being a "repair" subsystem on the fighters in WC3 (you could allocate power to damage control), but I don't remember it doing anything except soaking up power.
By diverting power to engines in WC3, you can exceed your ship's maximum speed. WC Saga doesn't let you do this.
The nebula seemed to have way too much lightning in it. With bolts that big, you kind of expect one to go through your ship and destroy it. I'd rather see density variation in the nebula, so you or enemies can hide in dense spots.
Range attenuation in WC Saga seems a bit more severe than in the original WC games, meaning you have to be really close to your target if you want to hit it hard.
Old Wing Commander used the spacebar for primaries, enter for missiles.
In the final mission, the briefing went on about how that dreadnought was stuck in a planetary gravity well. Why not have an alternate objective of just disabling enough of its engines so it can't keep orbit, maybe in a version where you fly a longbow?
Wing Commander Saga has some rough spots:
WC saga has MANY key commands, so it's very difficult to pick up-and-play. I'd like to see something like Star Trek: Klingon Academy's Verbal Orders System implemented. Besides actual speech recognition, the VOS gave you numbers at the bottom of the screen, which corresponded to your simulated officers. Press a number on your keyboard, and you get a nested list of commands which went with that officer. This didn't replace the usual fire/throttle/target/etc keys for faster actions.
Most of them worked like this:
[Officer number], [Category list/numbers], [Action list/number].
How this works in KA:
Helm [2], warp to target [1].
Helm [2], execute emergency maneuver [6]: and you get shown Turn[1], Stop[2], and Reverse[3].
Engineer [1], set power allocation [4] to standard combat [1] (defensive [2], aggressive [3], stealth [4], hunt for cloaked ships [5], withdraw and repair [6], custom power macros [7] and [8])
And on, and on, and on for all the ship's officers, systems, and commands. It was absolutely necessary for KA because of the sheer amount of micromanaging it let you do:
You had 4 firing arcs, which usually had weapons. Two usually had two types of weapons. All your weapons could be off, on standard, or overloaded (but not fire-linked, oddly enough).
You had six shield bubbles. These could be off, at standard strength, or overloaded.
All of the ship's other systems also had partial or overload power settings.
(Back to WC Saga)
Unused key commands: I don't think there was ever a repair ship in Wing Commander, at least not that your fighters could use. Maybe there were more, but that one stuck out.
For Wing Commander Saga, a VOS could be used not only to tell what wing to attack what enemy target, but also to instruct a wing (maybe of bombers) to hit particular subsystems.
Wing Commander Saga's communications menu was only used once or twice. You couldn't order any squadrons around with it, except the occasional bomber strike. For example, you can't order any wing to attack *that* Paktahn flight, which would be useful when they're coming from more than one direction, or to order some Arrows to ignore the Paktahns and keep the Dralthi/Darkets away from you.
Afterburner/Glide. Afterburner is bound to Tab, and glide is bound to Alt-G: Alt-Tab. I got around this by starting X11 with just a terminal window and running Wing Commander Saga from the command line. Maybe this isn't a problem in native Windows?
Capship missile hitboxes don't seem to line up with the visuals. To hit them with guns, I've had to sweep guns from the ITTS indicater back over the missile and into the exhaust trail, and usually attack from an angle. I've tried to get up really close so I can't miss. Then I let off the afterburner, start shooting, see the missile's exhaust port fly away, get hit from behind by the capship missile I think I'm chasing.
Artificial Stupidity: Carriers let you fly inside, where thare are no turrets. Fighters don't usually chase you into carrier hangars. Fighters like to ram you.
The mission with 3 skippers can be a big pain. They come all at once. I got lucky and was able to finish the first time, because two of them spawned really close together for me to kill, and other fighters were smart enough to get the third. To make this one possible, they should come from approximately the same direction (later in the mission, we find the one ship which was lobbing them).
Skipping dialogue. There's no way to skip dialogue you've heard many times (it's fun twice, but gets old after 5-6 times) when you restart a really hard mission.
Pure Exaliburs got a little repetitive in the later half (it felt like half, anyway) of the game. It needs to be mixed up a little more. Maybe some missions where you can choose if you want to fly bombers or fighters?
Shooting a Dralthi from straight behind with the Excaliburs' reaper guns would usually miss, even at point-blank, unless you were rolled off-level with said Dralthi. The Excalibur would aim dead center, right below the Dralthi's central hull.
Shooting any fighter with the Excalibur's tachyon cannons is kind of annoying: they don't converge on the target, so normally you have to choose (roll) if your left two or right two bolts are going to hit. I didn't see any way to disable the Excalibur's aimbot feature in the key commands. Maybe it could use one?
It's a pain to aim the Arrow's guns at a target with the keyboard. Maybe it needs +/- 3 degree correction/aimbot with keyboard flight? Maybe a slow-turn modifier key precisely for more accurate shooting?
The pre-briefing cinematics looked good, but were too short (they looped several times). They can be dragged out, or the motion in the cinematics could be spaced out with arrows pointing to things as the animation progresses, with slightly meaningless text labels which acts like it's typed in real-time or placed line-by-line.
The ambush mission where you have to fight off all those bombers with Thunderbolts was a huge pain in the neck, even on easy setting. There were just so many fighters, and the Thunderbolt can't dodge well. Maybe thin that furry cloud just a little?
Story texts.
They're too long, and the format doesn't really fit with the rest of the game. They would make the earlyish part of a good Wing Commander novel, but I don't think they go very well in a computer game.
The default color (cyan) didn't go well in that planetary atmosphere. The intro movies showed 3D cockpits, but these weren't in the game itself.
Co-op campaign mode?