BlogLearn historical details about development

In this section of the Wing Commander Saga webpage, you can find historical details about development of Wing Commander Saga.

German version

DATE: 2008.29.02

For this week's update, we want to let you know that we are currently working on producing a German version of Wing Commander Saga. We know many of our fans are in Germany or speak German as their first language, so with the help of Mind Crusher Studios, we will have a fully German version, as well. We will give you more details as this release draws nearer.

MCS Logo


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What Happened To The Last Starfighters?

DATE: 2008.14.02

For this week's update, we wanted to share with you an article that has recently been published about several fan-made space flight simulations, including Wing Commander Saga. To read the article, follow the link.


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Cockpits redux

DATE: 2008.30.01

For this week’s update, the Wing Commander Saga team would like to give you a sneak preview of the Longbow cockpit. Although cockpits weren’t included in the prologue campaign, they will be available in the upcoming full release. We have tried to stay as faithful as possible to the original cockpit designs, as seen in Wing Commander 3. In fact, some upcoming code changes in the SCP engine will allow us to do a few things with cockpits that we didn’t think were possible until now… but you’ll have to wait until later to hear more about that. Check out the Longbow cockpit below:


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New Poll

DATE: 2008.19.01

Being a good shot with primary weapons is essential, but a good pilot also knows when to bring out the bigger guns, so to speak. Place a vote for your favorite seconday weapon!


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Fan Project of the Year!

DATE: 2008.08.01

The Wing Commander Saga team would like to thank everyone who voted in the CIC's annual Fan Project of the Year contest. This has been a productive year for the WC community, and there were many great fan projects to choose from. Thanks to your support, Wing Commander Saga took first place in a tie with another great WC fan project, Standoff. Among all our reasons for making Saga, our primary goal is to produce something that the fans will enjoy. Your recognition and support help us dedicated to making Saga the best it can be for all of you to enjoy.

Fan Project of the Year

So, we'd like to pay you back a little bit for your recognition by providing you with some more eye candy. The Blue Point base (seen in Wing Commander 4) will make an appearance in Saga's main campaign. Although we won't spoil the story with details about why it is included and what role it plays, we'll share a screenshot to show our rendition of this Confed starbase.


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