DATE: 2008.08.01
The Wing Commander Saga team would like to thank everyone who voted in the CIC's annual Fan Project of the Year contest. This has been a productive year for the WC community, and there were many great fan projects to choose from. Thanks to your support, Wing Commander Saga took first place in a tie with another great WC fan project, Standoff. Among all our reasons for making Saga, our primary goal is to produce something that the fans will enjoy. Your recognition and support help us dedicated to making Saga the best it can be for all of you to enjoy.
So, we'd like to pay you back a little bit for your recognition by providing you with some more eye candy. The Blue Point base (seen in Wing Commander 4) will make an appearance in Saga's main campaign. Although we won't spoil the story with details about why it is included and what role it plays, we'll share a screenshot to show our rendition of this Confed starbase.