coltyhuxx wrote: For you pro's, would you say it's easy for a ludite to synch these joysticks up with the game via template or some such downloadable? Would I need to manually map each single feature? Does the game recognize popular models?
Well, the WCS engine have no selectable ready-to-use profiles. You must map every single feature manually. But there exists a joystick standard so the most buttons will mapped to your joystick. I prefer a manually setup and if you search for a mapping suggestion i posted at the WingCenter my
T.16000 mapping
, click on the picture for fullsize. But it's only a suggestion, you must test with WCS and you must find your ideally configuration by yourself. Btw, the buttons 11-16 on the pic is only a "bonus", i don't need it really. The stick is fully usable for right-handed and left-handed. With simple steps you can configure this stick into a
real left-handed-mode joystick. I am right-handed and i configured the buttons 11-16 only "just for fun".
The T.16000 is fully compatible with WCS and several players bought the T.16000 because of my review i posted first at WingCenter. You can use all features and buttons of the T.16000 in WCS. And with the WCS (Freespace) engine you can configure really a lot, inclusive some exoctic configurations. It's not that easy for a... hmm... "casual" gamer, but it's a dream for those who play very often with joysticks.
Shortly: WCS and T.16000 is a very good team.

And btw, i know that several players use this stick also in Star Citizen.