
Topic-icon [Tool] WCS Setup ZIP Check & UnZip (crc/unzip problems)

12 years 9 months ago - 11 years 7 months ago #7824 by Luke
url=]from (german)[/url

1. Introduction

On german forum - and also here in english forum - we have several postings about download problems respectively unzip problems or crc error at setup. What exactly is the problem is not clear at the moment, but it seems that some older decompress tools can't handle the big WCS ZIP archive and/or the ZIP archive may have download errors. For this the "WCS Setup ZIP Check & UnZip" tool was written.

2. Functions

The tool can do the following:
  1. checking the big ZIP file with MD5
  2. unzipping the ZIP file if MD5 was completed without errors (optionally)
  3. starting WCS Setup after UnZip (optionally)

3. Usage

3.1 Run the tool

Download "WCS Setup ZIP Check & UnZip" and unzip the tool in the same folder as

Now you should have the following files in your download folder:

Simply start darkest-dawn-setup_zip-check-unzip.exe.

The rest is self explanatory, but it is shown here nevertheless.

3.2 Check (MD5)

During the MD5 check is running, the following is shown:

[attachment=2:1xluc1j7]<!-- ia2 -->PicPick_2012-07-28_14_02_40.png<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:1xluc1j7]

If the ZIP archive is not completely or have errors, the following is shown:

[attachment=1:1xluc1j7]<!-- ia1 -->capture_20130620_103750.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:1xluc1j7]

If all is fine, you can unzip the ZIP archive:

[attachment=0:1xluc1j7]<!-- ia0 -->capture_20130620_103758.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:1xluc1j7]

...continued at next posting

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Last edit: 11 years 7 months ago by Luke.

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12 years 9 months ago - 11 years 7 months ago #7825 by Luke
3.3 Decompress (UnZip)

Select target folder. The subfolder "darkest_dawn_setup_unzip" is automatically created in target folder.

[attachment=2:wcmz9go7]<!-- ia2 -->capture_20130620_103821.png<!-- ia2 -->[/attachment:wcmz9go7]

During UnZip runs, the following is shown:

[attachment=1:wcmz9go7]<!-- ia1 -->PicPick_2012-07-28_15_30_38.png<!-- ia1 -->[/attachment:wcmz9go7]

After UnZip a summary is shown:

[attachment=0:wcmz9go7]<!-- ia0 -->capture_20130620_103829.png<!-- ia0 -->[/attachment:wcmz9go7]
Now you can select if the tool shall start the WCS Setup. If not, the target subfolder with all unzipped files will opened in windows explorer.

4. Download

Download from forum thread

[spoiler:wcmz9go7] 2013/6/20
  • I wrote my own standard requester library so the tool have now completely english requester. No longer have mixed language with English and Windows language. This makes step-by-step instructions more simple.
  • New return code variable "rcfile" for the case UnZip has failed.
  • Less is more; all return code variables (rc, rctext, rcfile) are shown only if there was an internal error or UnZip has failed. 2012/7/28
  • Primary changes: WCS Setup can be started directly after UnZip. 2012/7/18
  • Primary changes: progress bars for MD5 and UnZip.

Tools: Setup ZIP Check & UnZip ...and more
HowTo's: Joystick: configure throttle and rudder ...and more
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Last edit: 11 years 7 months ago by Luke.

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12 years 9 months ago #7827 by tolwyn

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12 years 7 months ago #8121 by Luke
New version Pictures updated. Use the mirror link until the official download site is updated by Tolwyn. Primary changes: progress bars for MD5 and UnZip.

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12 years 7 months ago #8160 by Luke
New version Pictures updated. Use the mirror link until the official download site is updated by Tolwyn. Primary changes: WCS Setup can started directly after UnZip.

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12 years 2 months ago #8570 by Rexor
Hi to all !!
I have a serious problem of download and install !
I downloaded it ( three times, with reliable downloader (IDA, Firefox DownThemAll), put it in a folder with the darkest-dawn-setup_zip-check-unzip, but every time the MD5 check say "the zip file is damaged" !
I downloaded from 3 different sites, the first from WCSaga site.
The only thing I noticed strange is that the size of the download is declared as 3.3 GB, while everywhere is only 2 GB. (2.097.152 KB).

Can someone help me ?

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12 years 2 months ago #8573 by Luke
Welcome on board Rexor :)

Rexor wrote: The only thing I noticed strange is that the size of the download is declared as 3.3 GB, while everywhere is only 2 GB. (2.097.152 KB).

Ok, the complete Zip must have exactly 3.568.898.233 Bytes, not more, not less. And if only one byte is wrong (defect), my tool says "ZIP file is DAMAGED!".

Can someone help me ?

First, try one of the official mirrors you can find here . And, try to download without any special download manager. The DM from Firefox or Opera is good enough. I am using Opera btw., this works without any problems. Then after download, check it with the ZIP Check Tool. If all is okay, you can extract the ZIP also with the Check Tool.

If this will not help with the mirrors, let me know and we find another solution.

Tools: Setup ZIP Check & UnZip ...and more
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12 years 2 months ago #8578 by Rexor ... p-zip.html

.... But this is the page from which I made all the downloads .............. and even now I tried 4 times and keeps saying that the download is 2.0 GB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ??????????????????????????? ............................Is my computer crazy ????

PS : I checked all the mirrors ; only "" say correctly 3.3 before starting the download !
( However I can't download it 'cause my limited GB of my internet key connection is almost finish. In January I'll have normal wired connection. )

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12 years 2 months ago #8579 by Luke
You have a volume limit? Maybe your ISP have a download limit for the files, lets say 2GB max?

If you reached the traffic limit, then the possible solutions left are very little. Have you no friend or colleague you can give a 4GB USB stick or a DVD so he can download this big file for you?

Tools: Setup ZIP Check & UnZip ...and more
HowTo's: Joystick: configure throttle and rudder ...and more
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12 years 2 months ago #8580 by Rexor
No, the only limit I have it's 10GB at month.
Very good idea to download it by a friend ; I had not thought !

Thanks !!!

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