
Topic-icon Italian Traslation !

  • SpawnPPC
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10 years 10 months ago #9171 by SpawnPPC
Italian Traslation ! was created by SpawnPPC
Hi to all !

I'm Emanuele, from Italy ! Nice to meet all you !

I have just only a question... is it possible an italian translate of this game ? Can I make it for you ?

Thanx to all and have fun !


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10 years 10 months ago #9175 by X3N0-Life-Form
Replied by X3N0-Life-Form on topic Italian Traslation !

Yes, it is possible to translate the game into other languages, including italian. However, be aware that this is quite an undertaking. Aside from the massive amount of text you'll have to translate, you are going to need some modding knowledge to extract and modify the relevant game data.

I'd suggest asking user Luke for advice: he is the leader of the german translation project.

You also might want to take a look at the FSO modding portal , in particular the Data Structure and tables sections.

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10 years 10 months ago #9177 by SpawnPPC
Replied by SpawnPPC on topic Italian Traslation !
OK, thanx ! I will try to get informations about it from Luke and I will read Data Structure and Tables. Another question is: can I DONATE some money ? It is possible ?


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10 years 10 months ago #9179 by Luke
Replied by Luke on topic Italian Traslation !
Welcome on board SpawnPPC :)

X3N0-Life-Form wrote: I'd suggest asking user Luke for advice: he is the leader of the german translation project.

Not the leader for the whole project, only for the tech part... but this is definitely enough work. ;)

I answer your question from PM here: Yes you can. But i am very busy with our own translation project and WCS+ development (and WCS tools), so you must have patience.

Like X3N0 said, a translation for WCS is really a big thing:
  • First you need the basics. Follow X3N0's links and learn the FSO modding basics, you need this!
  • You can't do this alone, you need a team. Thrust me. ;)
  • One of the biggest problems is: WCS original isn't fully translatable, you need WCS+ (which is still in development). And i have done several changes to the engine for german language, so i think the same work (and maybe more) must done for other languages.

But for now, you must manage the first point, then we can speak about details. First learn to extract the complete WCS files, these are fully extracted 24 folders and more than 24.000 files. Then try to translate one mission. One tip: don't add another language section in strings.tbl, simply use the english section for testing, because WCS only knows English and German.

Edit: you can't donate, because we can not make any money with WCS because "Wing Commander" is property of "Electronic Arts".

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10 years 10 months ago #9184 by SpawnPPC
Replied by SpawnPPC on topic Italian Traslation !
Hi ! OK ! I will do my best for try to translate it in italian. Just give me tools for do that... maybe an editor for .tre file is good ? Where I can get it ?

For DONATIONs, I will DONATE money in some mode ! XD

Thanx for now...


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10 years 10 months ago #9190 by SpawnPPC
Replied by SpawnPPC on topic Italian Traslation !
I'm so sorry but I can't find any type of ready tool for try to translate the game... any .tre software don't want start under my Win7Ult64... so maybe I need to do it in another mode. Can anyone help me to find the correct tool for EDIT the TEXT on missions for example ?

Thanx to all !


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10 years 10 months ago #9191 by Luke
Replied by Luke on topic Italian Traslation !
WCS have nothing to do with .tre files, you need the correct tools for it. Sorry for asking you that, but have you really read what we - espacially X3N0 - wrote? If you follow his links, you will find the correct tools very easy for extracting all game data and for editing the mission files. BTW, you dont need the mission designer for make translations, a good text editor does the job also.

You must learn the modding basics, you can't circumvent this fact. There is no simple WCS/FSO-Translation-Tool. Or you search for a WCS/FSO modder who will do this job for you. As i said before, you can't do it alone, you need minimum 1 translator (better 2-3) and minimum 1 modder (better 2) and also some testers. For only one guy a WCS translation project is nearly impossible.

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10 years 10 months ago #9193 by SpawnPPC
Replied by SpawnPPC on topic Italian Traslation !
I'm an ex programmer and I need to learn, ofc, but with some tools maybe I can do more... but for less time (I haven't time to study all), maybe a good tool and some little guide to read, I can do more that what you think ! XD Don't warry... my unique problem is the TIME becouse I haven't so much... but I don't want to insert a end time line... so I can make it with time without problem, just have tools for edit the game and some little guide for follow the work without study from 0. Cam you help me pls ? Maybe give me your Skype contact and we can (only) chat for some info. Chat is too slow for me ! Thanx for your interest and info about this my idea !

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10 years 9 months ago #9194 by Luke
Replied by Luke on topic Italian Traslation !
Hi SpawnPPC

Again, translation of WCS and other WC Games isn't that easy you maybe think. A game like WCS is VERY complex and there are a lot of different areas to translate and a lot of work on mod level. Before we started the german translation project last year on i had absolutely no experience with game modding or game programming. I haven't asked the WCS Team for help. I learned all what i need for our translation project from scratch... alone. HLP is a good place to learn the basics.

I am a programmer too (since 30 years now) and i am very busy with our own translation project and the WCS+ project. I have no time to teach the modding basics, sorry. If you are not willing to spend time to learn it, then you will never realize your project. Or you try to find a FSO modder who can do the job for you. That's exactly the way we are going with the german translation. The main translator have no modding or programming skills, this is my job.

Maybe this sounds a bit harsh, sorry. But this is the situation.

It's very simple: Learn the basics or find a modder for this job.

Tools: Setup ZIP Check & UnZip ...and more
HowTo's: Joystick: configure throttle and rudder ...and more
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10 years 9 months ago #9195 by karajorma
Replied by karajorma on topic Italian Traslation !
Luke, I'm currently working on upgrading FS2_Open for better language support. So I'd be interested in seeing your changes to the engine so far, do you use SVN or git or the like? Of course, I'm more than willing to help you with any problems I've already solved.

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