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mormon_boy wrote: thanks for the tip if it means you'll stop complaining and we can start being friendly towards each other then I'll let you believe that (actually I didn't realize I said "get a life" it wasn't ever a comeback that I understood)
mormon_boy wrote: I was thoroughly sold that my actions matter in this mission (even if they don't the devs did a good job IMO of making me think they did) so I first engaged the fighters head on focusing on those that were in my sights, and ignoring the one pursuing me because it made logical sense to me that if they are chasing me they won't be chasing the bombers. Then as the fighter cover thinned out I followed psycho's advice and started probing for weak spots including runs on the hangar bay. Around this point is one of the cinematic highlights of the mission for me where the marines come riding to the rescue. When the Hermes joined the fight I tried to damage the weapon systems (I even flew into the hangar to try and nail it from the inside)when I realized that I wasn't going to scratch this sucker I decided to help in the only way I could and turned my attention back to the fighters and my kill count. I loved the mission enough to replay it a few times since then
mormon_boy wrote: sigh... and we are back to complaining/jk
thankfully with the new mission editor you can strip off the plot armor and blow it up yourself. personally after all the desperate chasing down bombers of the last few missions I liked how the last mission cut you loose of your responsibilities and let you just focus on killing things for a change and I wouldn't trade the dreadnoughts beauty fully scripted demise for me awkwardly grinding away at it from inside that hangar bay and missing all the fun outside. Though I would prefer the Armageddon share in the Wrathghar's invulnerability since its a dreadnought to and all.
mormon_boy wrote: the mission is heavily scripted if you knew the weapons subsystem was an objective and you took it out before any one said anything it it could screw up the series of events, and making the subsystem go from invulnerable to vulnerable could be confusing to some users