
Topic-icon General Difficulty - anyone yet succeeded on Medium or Hard?

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12 years 9 months ago #7399 by KeldorKatarn

horizon wrote: So, the mission lacks AI on the sabres. While in other missions the AI is pretty awesome on your wingman in terms of survival!

Frankly.. you don't know what you're talking about ^^

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12 years 9 months ago #7400 by horizon

KeldorKatarn wrote:

horizon wrote: So, the mission lacks AI on the sabres. While in other missions the AI is pretty awesome on your wingman in terms of survival!

Frankly.. you don't know what you're talking about ^^

yeah right...
those sabres act daft. they have some options and pick the only non option.

either way... the mission can be finished without sabres.

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12 years 9 months ago #7401 by KeldorKatarn
Maybe, just MAYBE I was making a joke talking about this part of your comment "While in other missions the AI is pretty awesome on your wingman in terms of survival!"

But hey, take offense early and often and you'll have a happy life...

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12 years 9 months ago #7404 by horizon
it is the internet. Sarcasm only works in 50% of the cases. ;)

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12 years 9 months ago #7433 by Paladin
yea i just completed this game on hard and omg it was intense. The rest of the game is pretty difficult on the hard setting, but once you get the excalibur it's GG kilrathi. you don't even need to drop decoys to evade missiles, just afterburn and glide. I will say however that the escort mission where you first meet M.D is nearly impossible to do without losing an escort carrier or two which is frustrating because i know that one gives you a medal if you save EVERYTHING.

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12 years 9 months ago #7434 by TheDudeMachine
Weird Paladin, I too, just completed the game on hard difficulty, and I share your thoughts on the general difficulty scale. Very rarely do you have to drop countermeasures when you're gliding towards targets at 1300 clicks. If a TON of missiles are coming at you at once, then I'll drop a few just for good measure.

Overall, the game had a satisfying level of difficulty. Rarely did I get mad at the game, only on a few missions (Freya 4 is just complete BS).

The game does get much easier overall with the Excalibur. No reason to have any of your energy levels on engines when all I'm doing is power gliding like an idiot towards every target. I actually played the Prologue after the main game, and the last mission is pretty tough to survive long enough to win (beat it on first try, saved only by power gliding).

Power gliding is pretty much OP. Once you get good at leading shots to the side in the Arrow, you'll consistently get in the 20's for kills.

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12 years 9 months ago #7451 by Paladin
true. only issue i see with not allotting any power to the engines on the excalibur is that you'll be using more fuel to get to your preferred gliding speed and for the missions where you absolutely need your afterburners, you'll be S.O.L. I find that managing your power levels correctly is sometimes the only thing that keeps you alive.

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12 years 9 months ago #7452 by TheDudeMachine
I never got close to running out of fuel. The trick is when you need to change courses, you turn glide off, afterburn for a split second in the new direction, then glide again. You hardly use any fuel at all.

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12 years 7 months ago #7995 by ASF_Stoney
This will be my last transmission since I have nothing more to add on this board. I wanted to leave and let everyone know how much I have enjoyed this game. I have finished it in very easy, easy and had started on medium. There is no way this old warrior can compete with you young one in this mode much less in hard. Congratulation to those who have. I have averaged over 1100 kills in both the Sagas I have completed but I still have missed receiving at least 3 medals and 4 ribbons.

Since I am an old retired fart with lot of time on my hands, I will continue to play this in easy as many times as I can before I break my last left handed joy stick.

In leaving I will reply in the only German I know other than Ein Bier Bitte. Guten Tag Mien Heirs.

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12 years 7 months ago #7998 by Aginor
Glad you enjoyed the game (and obviously still do :) )
And keep your eyes open for some mods, there are already some in the works (including my own Kilrathi mod) So there might be more Saga in the future. :)

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