
Topic-icon Nifelheim 2: ... help me! [Spoilers]

12 years 10 months ago #5967 by lsdYoYo
Replied by lsdYoYo on topic Nifelheim 2: ... help me! [Spoilers]
A reminder : to target the corvette's launcher, use the command "Target next live turret" (K key, by default) several times, until you see "Launcher" below the radar screen at the bottom left.

A hint : the capships missiles are displayed with yellow colour on the radar. Once you have spot this colour you will easily find missiles around. And, as other say, use the command "Target next hostile bomb or bomber" (B key, by default). This command targets capships missiles on first priority, bombers on second and do nothing if there's no more bomb or bomber.

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12 years 10 months ago #6004 by King
Replied by King on topic Nifelheim 2: ... help me! [Spoilers]
Since I can't seem to win this scenario and there have been no skip or other options, your game ends here for me. I don't mind it being challenging, in fact I embrace that, but I'm not gonna sit and watch through that lame-ass monologue of the Kinney Captain again (seriously, wtf???). A broken numpad doesn't help my playing much, either. And I have no clue how you guys map controls onto a gamepad, since I only have so many buttons on mine.

Shame I only get to see 10% of the game. Someone release their savefile, so the idiotic rest of us, not fit for space travel, can see how it ends, too.

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12 years 10 months ago #6021 by sp00n
Replied by sp00n on topic Nifelheim 2: ... help me! [Spoilers]
Once I've followed the hint to position myself around 10 klicks behind the Battleaxe, and to simply wait for missiles to pass by, this was kind of a one-shot. The first missile actually turns up behind you at that distance, but still near enough to fire an IR missile at it and to destroy it.
The two following missiles show up multiple times before they're in range.
Just position yourself, use "match speed" and "activate glide", then spam the "B" key as mentioned already.

But I know how you're feeling about not wanting it to do again. While I think the starting sequence of having to do everyhting possible to close the distance between you and your comrades in need is quite idea story-wise, it's a really bad decision gameplay-wise that exactly the one mission where you're forced to do nothing for quite a while, is also the one that you cannot fail at all.
And it is also a mission which isn't obvious on how to win right from the start, meaning that the chance that you'll have to repeat it is higher than on any other mission so far.

I've been literally going to the toilet or was fetching some food during the first sequence, it's just that long. I would've liked to ALT+Tab out of the game, but the game stops when you do that (luckily I have two monitors, so I can switch out, open a page I'd like to read on the second monitor, and switch back into the game).

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12 years 10 months ago #6025 by horizon
Replied by horizon on topic Nifelheim 2: ... help me! [Spoilers]
Like I mentioned in the other thread:

Quick Start after dying/failing should place you after all the talkings.

I mean, I love the story but once is enough because you know the drill the third, fourth, fifth time.

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12 years 10 months ago #6044 by King
Replied by King on topic Nifelheim 2: ... help me! [Spoilers]
I wasn't sure if quick start qualified as failure, so I always let the mission play out and in the end chose return to lobby. I can literally lipsync to Kinneys "iron man and wooden ships" monolog by now. I was kinda glad when he finally got shot down.

I can't log on to these Skippers/missiles for long enough and my Numpad is so shot that I can't really aim for those missiles in the 5 seconds I have, either. I see the missile come right at me, I can log on with y if that happens, but the log on with b only happens about 5 seconds before it hits the Kinney.

I would skip the mission if the tips here worked, too. I kept losing, going back to flight deck, restarting. Done that about ten times now and no skipping in sight.

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12 years 10 months ago #6049 by horizon
Replied by horizon on topic Nifelheim 2: ... help me! [Spoilers]
Redirect your controls in the options menu. So not flying on the numeric keypad but on the four arrow keys. I did this. Much better flying imo.

A blasted numeric keypad is no reason to blame the game imho.

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12 years 10 months ago #6051 by tolwyn
Replied by tolwyn on topic Nifelheim 2: ... help me! [Spoilers]

King wrote: I would skip the mission if the tips here worked, too. I kept losing, going back to flight deck, restarting. Done that about ten times now and no skipping in sight.

Please write a bug report via mantis. We'll look into it.

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12 years 10 months ago #6065 by King
Replied by King on topic Nifelheim 2: ... help me! [Spoilers]
No, I don't mean to blame the game. It's darn good, just a bit frustrating when I can't figure out why it won't skip the mission and I have to go over it again and again... sorry

Maybe I should use the dpad for more actions. I forgot I can map some keys on there, too. I usually use a small keyboard just for typing (without num block), so I have to use my old Cherry for this game. I use it for ArmA too, but the 4 key is not working well. So it sucks when I have to turn left ;)
You are right - the arrow keys are unused too, but I think I'll try the gamepad again. Analog stick for flying feels good.

Sorry about all the fuzz. I don't mean to stir up anything. It's a really cool game with problems lying mostly on my side. I'll try Nifelhelm again (and again) until I either shoot the damn rocket or I find out how to skip things. At least I'll be able to share my experience on skipping missions with others, then.

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12 years 10 months ago #6067 by tolwyn
Replied by tolwyn on topic Nifelheim 2: ... help me! [Spoilers]
I've been told that the mission skipping thingie might not be working. We'll look into it.

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12 years 10 months ago #6070 by sp00n
Replied by sp00n on topic Nifelheim 2: ... help me! [Spoilers]
Just remember, don't bother firing your guns at the capship missiles, use your IR missiles to shoot them down.

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