Sorry for the german subject but that's what I thought when I read about WCS a few days ago. For any non-german speakers, it's from an old german commercial, something like "hugh....already christmas ?"
It was not my day, a customer blew up his SQL Sever Cluster and I had to prepare for an IT exam when I needed a little diversion after I fixed the issue and completed a couple of test simulations I found an article about WCS and that EA won't send their laywers against this project and tolerate this game.
What game ? WING COMMANDER ? The grey sky cleared up, the clouds were vanished from the sky and a bright sun began to shine over my house (okay, it was a sunny day in Berlin, but it just felt like that

) U guys saved my day!
Never heard about the project before, a fan made revival of my favourite space saga from the days i was young and pretty (okay, maybe just young....). I think I was one of the many thousands of users hammering down the servers while I waited for the release. After several dozens of "Server unavailable" messages there was a white screen with a simple text like in the old days of the www, I opened all mirrors and with some luck I was able to grab the torrent. Time to find my old Sidewinder Joystick....
next morning the download was ready for install and I installed it forgetting about my normally needed one liter of black and strong coffee. Played the first missions before I left house to pass my exam. When I came back there was just a short "Hello" left for my wife and my daughter, I had important things to do

Toasting cats....
I'm really impressed, this games looks like WC, it feels like WC, it just is WC... It's like a time travel.
You did a really great job,I like the details, e.g. the in-mission chit chats between the pilots are really nice, what u did to this old FS2 engine is awesome.
Now I have to protect the TCS Armageddon, already lost her three times,but FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION....
Firing up engines,