
Topic-icon Help me save the Hermes

  • Vaquero 27
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12 years 10 months ago #7035 by Vaquero 27
Help me save the Hermes was created by Vaquero 27
Hi Guys, likea few of you I'm a seasoned heart of the tiget pro. Played all from that when when i got it free with my apricot pc back in the day lol. Anyway I don;t know the name of the mission but i think its one or two missions after you have recevied the excaliber you go with the squadron leader of the jim bowi to 5 nav points. There are two caps ships at 2 of the navs and some paltahns bombers and starki, you support other squadrons and then you head back to the hermes. When you head back the hermes is under attack and there are around 30-40 enemy ships. Now when i play this sometimes you can see all the ships on the radar but sometimes not. Anyway you have to take out the pakhtahns but my god there are just so many of them and its bloody hard to find them. There are a groups of around7-8 that surface from the bacl end of the hermes and take it out. Problem is no1 i cant get to them all in time as my comp runs slow and 2 my radar doesn't always have them all on so i have to get to the back of the hermes and press 'Y' so many times to try and find them. I can take out aabout 5 before they sink the hermes & you land on the olympia and then its games over. Can anyone suggest how you cracked it? cheers

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  • Vaquero 27
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12 years 10 months ago #7036 by Vaquero 27
Replied by Vaquero 27 on topic Help me save the Hermes
THe mission is hyperion 2 btw lol

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12 years 10 months ago #7039 by limdaepl
Replied by limdaepl on topic Help me save the Hermes
You can actually control the radar range. On my (german) keyboard it's the 'ä'-key, don't know where it is on the international keyboard. Check the control settings (F2) for the option 'cycle radar range'. It's listed under 'misc'.

While there, check the 'targeting' section for quite a lot of useful commands that allow you to target specific types of threats. Helpful in your case, for example, you can target bombers (and bombs!) by pressing 'b'.

Actually, I'm pretty surprised you managed to get so far without knowing how to target bombs/bombers :lol:

edit: I just played the mission. Once you arrive at the hermes there is a big group of bombers coming in but they are still quite far away. Ignore the fighters and afterburn/glide towards the bombers instead. Then you should have enough time to take them down before they get into shooting range with the hermes. Then destroy the remaining fighters.
Actually this tactic applies to most missions where you have to protect capital ships.
Good luck :)

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12 years 10 months ago #7051 by nickm
Replied by nickm on topic Help me save the Hermes
I THINK I played this mission a couple of days ago; I was doing fine shooting down bombers but got 'killed' by a Kilrathi ace that I ignored until I blew up. Can this ace be killed? I forgot his name? He flys a Vaktoth & keeps ranting about 'The Hairless Ape Jones'...If I can shut him up with a IR and then focus on the bombers, things would be easier.

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12 years 10 months ago #7052 by horizon
Replied by horizon on topic Help me save the Hermes
Nah, can't be killed in this mission.

Take out all of his wing, then harass him.

/As for the Hermes:
' B' for bombers
burn & glide!

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12 years 10 months ago #7057 by nickm
Replied by nickm on topic Help me save the Hermes
But if I'm chasing Deathfang (the only Vaktoth ace I find in the database) who will protect the Hermes from the Torp-bombers?

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12 years 10 months ago #7134 by nickm
Replied by nickm on topic Help me save the Hermes
Nevermind gang; I took care of the mission AND also kept the Hermes from getting fried....but I was so busy I missed some of the choice dialogue between Deathfang & The Captain of the Dreadnaught, Wrothgar(sp?); is there any way I can find the dialogue that I missed?

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12 years 9 months ago #7272 by Cammer
Replied by Cammer on topic Help me save the Hermes
I am also on Hyperion 2. I just exit jump back at the Hermes and find the closest bomber group and immediately AB and glide. As soon as I take out this group (without a capship missle launched), I find another 2-waves of bombers coming from different directions and I am so far away that they launch their torps into the Hermes. I take out maybe 10-12 bombers and maybe 1-2 capship torps and then the Hermes blows. I am trying to do the 5-fails and skip option but haven't seen the option to do so. I'm stuck. I haven't had 'too much' trouble with Capship missiles in the past but...3 or more waves coming in from different directions with the other fighters chasing Dralthi.....I can't even use the Comms for a "Protect my Target" request. I know.....I'm such a loser! :-)

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12 years 8 months ago #7908 by DotS
Replied by DotS on topic Help me save the Hermes
The main problem I have with the Excalibur and capship missiles is the terrible accuracy of the auto-aim system.

I regularly see a Predator missile fired at a capship. I go after the missile, using afterburner, I'm in firing range and I literally fire my guns empty without a single hit on the missile.

Is there a way around this? It gets frustrating after a while, sometimes I just wanna turn the auto-aiming off to shoot the missile down myself.

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12 years 8 months ago #7909 by Mastadon
Replied by Mastadon on topic Help me save the Hermes
I've noticed similar problems when flying CAP and trying to repel a large-scale cap-ship missile strike. No matter how many times I shoot them, they don't seem to detonate until they are about 15 seconds away from their target---or at least that is the case with the first escort mission as an Arrow in the main campaign (right after you retreat from Vega). It feels like it's either scripted that way in the mission or is a feature of the modified FS2 open engine powering WC Saga...probably the former.

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