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Name Wing Commander Saga Prologue - Kapitel 1

This is our first German audio book, which is loosely based on the first chapter of the Wing Commander Saga Prologue fiction. This MCS production is read by Marco Ansing, Alessandro Alioto, Sara Kelly-Husain, Jan Boysen, Ralf "Searge" Pappers, Tabitha Hammer and Sven Matthias. These actors will also be the voice acting power behind the upcoming German version of the Wing Commander Saga Prologue. A musical score by Edward Bradshaw, Tim Janssenss and Dennis Schuster adds atmosphere to this lavish production. A great deal of care and time has been spent creating an audio book which elaborates upon the story of Wing Commander Saga. Get the MP3 file here and enjoy the story.... if you can understand German, that is.

File name Wing Commander Saga Prologue - Kapitel
Size 40.8 MB
File type zip (Mime type application/zip)
Owner Admiral Tolwyn
Date added 06/07/2010 00:00:00
Hits 19692
Last modified on 20/11/2017 12:03:48
MD5 checksum 3e0823a6ca1f91a9e8c87ced31d3c166