This section contains the latest information on Terran and Kilrathi combat spacecraft, with a specific focus on the types of ships that are most frequently encountered in Wing Commander Saga. We recommend that all players familiarize themselves with the strengths and weaknesses of each ship. Knowledge is the key to survival in the harsh reality of deep space combat.

For convenience in reference, all craft have been separated into two categories: the benevolent Terran Confederation and the evil Kilrathi Empire. Select a faction for more details on their ships and weaponry.

We also wish to offer a caveat: you will notice that our database contains the names of a few ships that are not officially established in the canon of Wing Commander fiction. Certain ship types established as canon have not been given corresponding canon names or designations. As such, we have been put in a position where we found it necessary to take certain artistic liberties in naming these ships. It should be remembered that, although we use these names as “place holders,” they are merely for convenience in our story-telling efforts and should not be considered canon material. In choosing these names, we have made our best references to canon material and have chosen names that reflect thoughtful consideration of within-canon possibilities. If Origin ever releases an official document in which canon names are provided for these ships, we will doubtlessly change our “place holder” designations to conform with the new canon definitions.